This guide covers the basics of Opsec in a way that most anyone should be able to understand. This guide is split up into topics designed to be linked to directly for the purpose of convenient educational discussion. As this is intended for all audiences, it will be rich in easily destroyable strawmen examples that do not necessarily reflect complex realistic threats and risks.
This guide is not a "how to be anonymous on the internet", "how to protect yourself online", or "best practices" guide. Those are all countermeasure-first approaches that assume a threat model that applies to you (when it often doesn't). Instead, this guide teaches you how to understand that for yourself through the opsec process. While many guides can be useful to learn about potential threats and countermeasures, the countermeasure-first approach of the "best practices" fallacy has no place in opsec and ultimately leads to baseless paranoia.
Read the guide here.